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1. Open the Mussels with a little water in a very hot pan with the lid on, strain the juice and reserve both the stock and cooked Mussels.
2. In the same pan reduce the champagne by½ then add the stock and the cream and bring to the boil, reduce by a third.
3. Add a few sprigs of fresh parsley for 10 minutes to infuse into the sauce then strain ready for service.
4. Using a parisienne scoop, prep the cucumber balls, place into a vac pac bag with a pinch of ascorbic acid and seal. Freeze for about 20 minutes then allow to de-frost before service.
5. Blanch the parsley stalks for about 30 seconds. 6 Pan fry the Skrei, dress the shaved red cabbage with the lemon juice, salt and olive oil.
7. Gently re-heat the mussels in the sauce and add the cucumber and caviar at the end to take the chill off them.
8. Dress the plate and finish with a little caviar on top of the fish.