What are Loch Etive Trout?

Scottish seafood is widely recognised as the best in the world. Loch Etive Trout are testament to this, grown in stunning surroundings, on a small scale by a dedicated team.

Loch Etive Trout swim in deep, cold, fast-flowing waters of Scotland, developing a robust muscle structure from the ever-changing currents. By swimming in deep water, far from the sea bed, Loch Etive Trout have a fresh and delicate taste that’s never muddy, an aftertaste that’s is often associated with river grown Rainbow Trout.

The fish swim in low density pens – a maximum of 98.5% water to 1.5% fish –and have plenty of room to swim freely as they would in the wild. Loch Etive Trout grow in both brackish and fresh water lochs and the low salinity of the water is actively good for trout health, acting as a natural, non-medicinal barrier to reduce the number of treatments against environmental factors.

The environment in which the fish are grown directly impacts their taste, which is why good fish health is always at the core of everything Loch Etive do. They have worked with the RSPCA to both develop and become the first trout producer in the UK to have Freedom Food status and since then Loch Etive has remained a leader in natural fish farming.

Catch Method



Available all year round.


An alternative to Loch Etive Trout would be Chalk Stream Trout, Sea Trout or Salmon.